Focus & Mission

We believe that aging is triggered

Our Vision is to increase healthspan and end the indignity of the downward spiral in health as we age.

Our Mission is to locate and intervene in the biological triggers of aging.

At LinkGevity, we are at the forefront of unravelling the mysteries of aging through our innovative approach of building Blueprint Maps. Rooted in our proprietary Blueprint Theory, we are charting a new frontier in longevity science.

Focus & Mission

A pioneering class
of drugs:

Necrosis: a trigger of aging

Necrosis, from the Ancient Greek word nékrōsis, means death. It is the uncontrolled death of cells, tissue and organs and has remained a profound stumbling block in many fields, including tissue engineering, organ preservation as well as in the treatment of chronic disease. There is a direct mechanistic link between necrosis and accelerated aging.

Anti-Necrotics™ pipeline

Our Anti-Necrotics™ are first-in-class necrosis inhibitors. We are developing a broad and robust pipeline covering clinical (Acute Kidney Injury) as well as non-clinical (e.g. tissue engineering) applications. We are actively pursuing partnerships and licensing opportunities to maximize our impact.

LINK Non-Clinical
Various (platform technology)
Ready to license
LINK Clinical
Acute Kidney Injury
Expedited to Phase 2
Wave Pattern

Milestones and media coverage

Stay up-to-date with the latest news and milestones from LinkGevity

LinkGevity Announces Investment from the KQ Labs Programme Delivered by the Francis Crick Institute

Focus & Mission